13 research outputs found

    Statistical post-processing of heat index ensemble forecasts: is there a royal road?

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    We investigate the effect of statistical post-processing on the probabilistic skill of discomfort index (DI) and indoor wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGTid) ensemble forecasts, both calculated from the corresponding forecasts of temperature and dew point temperature. Two different methodological approaches to calibration are compared. In the first case, we start with joint post-processing of the temperature and dew point forecasts and then create calibrated samples of DI and WBGTid using samples from the obtained bivariate predictive distributions. This approach is compared with direct post-processing of the heat index ensemble forecasts. For this purpose, a novel ensemble model output statistics model based on a generalized extreme value distribution is proposed. The predictive performance of both methods is tested on the operational temperature and dew point ensemble forecasts of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the corresponding forecasts of DI and WBGTid. For short lead times (up to day 6), both approaches significantly improve the forecast skill. Among the competing post-processing methods, direct calibration of heat indices exhibits the best predictive performance, very closely followed by the more general approach based on joint calibration of temperature and dew point temperature. Additionally, a machine learning approach is tested and shows comparable performance for the case when one is interested only in forecasting heat index warning level categories.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Generation of scenarios from calibrated ensemble forecasts with a dual ensemble copula coupling approach

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    Probabilistic forecasts in the form of ensemble of scenarios are required for complex decision making processes. Ensemble forecasting systems provide such products but the spatio-temporal structures of the forecast uncertainty is lost when statistical calibration of the ensemble forecasts is applied for each lead time and location independently. Non-parametric approaches allow the reconstruction of spatio-temporal joint probability distributions at a low computational cost. For example, the ensemble copula coupling (ECC) method rebuilds the multivariate aspect of the forecast from the original ensemble forecasts. Based on the assumption of error stationarity, parametric methods aim to fully describe the forecast dependence structures. In this study, the concept of ECC is combined with past data statistics in order to account for the autocorrelation of the forecast error. The new approach, called d-ECC, is applied to wind forecasts from the high resolution ensemble system COSMO-DE-EPS run operationally at the German weather service. Scenarios generated by ECC and d-ECC are compared and assessed in the form of time series by means of multivariate verification tools and in a product oriented framework. Verification results over a 3 month period show that the innovative method d-ECC outperforms or performs as well as ECC in all investigated aspects

    Quantile forecast discrimination ability and value

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    While probabilistic forecast verification for categorical forecasts is well established, some of the existing concepts and methods have not found their equivalent for the case of continuous variables. New tools dedicated to the assessment of forecast discrimination ability and forecast value are introduced here, based on quantile forecasts being the base product for the continuous case (hence in a nonparametric framework). The relative user characteristic (RUC) curve and the quantile value plot allow analysing the performance of a forecast for a specific user in a decision-making framework. The RUC curve is designed as a user-based discrimination tool and the quantile value plot translates forecast discrimination ability in terms of economic value. The relationship between the overall value of a quantile forecast and the respective quantile skill score is also discussed. The application of these new verification approaches and tools is illustrated based on synthetic datasets, as well as for the case of global radiation forecasts from the high resolution ensemble COSMO-DE-EPS of the German Weather Service

    Enhancing COSMO-DE ensemble forecasts by inexpensive techniques

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    COSMO-DE-EPS, a convection-permitting ensemble prediction system based on the high-resolution numerical weather prediction model COSMO-DE, is pre-operational since December 2010, providing probabilistic forecasts which cover Germany. This ensemble system comprises 20 members based on variations of the lateral boundary conditions, the physics parameterizations and the initial conditions. In order to increase the sample size in a computationally inexpensive way, COSMO-DE-EPS is combined with alternative ensemble techniques: the neighborhood method and the time-lagged approach. Their impact on the quality of the resulting probabilistic forecasts is assessed. Objective verification is performed over a six months period, scores based on the Brier score and its decomposition are shown for June 2011. The combination of the ensemble system with the alternative approaches improves probabilistic forecasts of precipitation in particular for high precipitation thresholds. Moreover, combining COSMO-DE-EPS with only the time-lagged approach improves the skill of area probabilities for precipitation and does not deteriorate the skill of 2 m-temperature and wind gusts forecasts